Monday, September 12, 2011

Hello Nigeria!

It is officially day 12 in my African adventure and Nigeria has been so much more than I expected in so many ways.  Take all of the pictures that you have seen of African cities, stretch them to become three dimensional, add West Virginia humidity, huge bugs and lizards, interesting accents, brightly colored clothing, interesting smells, crazy traffic, strange food and finally add in a dash of unpredictability and you have Ibadan, Nigeria.  Sometimes people show up, and sometimes they dont. Sometimes we have hot water, and sometimes it is just wet.  Sometimes we have power, and sometimes it goes out.  Sometimes the market has what you need, and sometimes it just isnt there.  Its amazing how much of an adjustment it can be when absolutely nothing is familiar and what a comfort little things can become in those moments.  The first couple days that I was here were very hard.  Nigeria is way more Africa than I thought, and culture shock was way more intense than I wanted to admit.  I was up for a two week mission trip, but the thought of living here, was a little more than I could handle.  Things like my ipod, with familiar, American music on it and notes from all of you back home were a huge encouragement to me last week.  Thank you for being there, it really meant the world to me and I needed it way more than I expected! 
            Teaching has been way better than I ever could have imagined.  I have a busy class that keeps me on my toes. I cant wait to see what happens by June because after one week, I cant imagine loving them any more than I do right now!  I finally have all of my curriculum and I am beginning to find my way around the school and its systems.  The other teachers and especially the principal have been wonderful and so helpful. I know there are some kindred spirits among them! =) The days have gradually gotten better and better.  I am settling in, feeling more comfortable and beginning to fit into life here. I can honestly say that I am glad to be in Nigeria, something I could not have said a week ago.  I love knowing that the Lord is changing me, even if it leaves my heart a little sore, and its great to be a part of what he is doing.  I am so thankful to live on a safe compound, where all of my needs are met, and where the people honestly seek to honor God with their work and their lives.  Also, just so that you know, I never want to tell stories about the need or difficulty of life here to make you feel guilty about the way that we live in America, or to make your problems feel small.  The struggles in your life are just as real as Africa is for me.  I only hope that the Lord shows up in the middle of your challenge as real and close as He has here and I know He will!
Right before I left, a friend gave me this verse to remember, and it has been one to cling to during this transition time.  “For I, the Lord your God, hold your right hand; it is I who say to you, ‘Fear not, I am the one who helps you.  (Isaiah 41:13) I found out that I am not nearly as tough as I thought, and I wasn’t expecting that.  I was expecting to find God faithful again, but I wasn’t ready for the amazing way that he would carry me through this.  He has blown me away, far beyond all of my expectations.  Just the image of him holding my hand is enough, all by itself.  I have always known that my only comfort and security can come from Him, but I wasn’t expecting it to be so hard to give up the other things that I have found it in for so long. So, for being just over a week into this crazy adventure I only want to say that I’m humbled, thankful to not be alone, and Im raising my expectations, because I know that the Lord is just going to blow them away. 


  1. Yay, Katie! It is so wonderful to hear from you, and to know you are settling in ok. I am sure culture shock will continue to be an interesting experience...I had the worst culture shock of my life so far when I moved to Spokane :D Love you :)

  2. Hi Katie - We will continue to keep you in our prayers. Hannah and I were watching one of the Love Comes Softly videos and in a letter to her father, the main character said that she missed the creature comforts as they were starting a new ranch. I am sure that you can relate to that feeling. God is huge and can easily carry you through whatever you face. What beautiful children you get to teach. You look so at home with them. We love you tons and are so proud of you! May God show Himself in small and big ways each day.

  3. Katie,
    I was so surprised to hear that you were going to Nigeria! I know though, that you are EXACTLY where God wants you to be right now. I remember watching you work with the little kids, and I knew that you would be a great teacher who would love each and every child you met. God will use you in a mighty way. I look forward to following your blog, and hearing more about your adventure. God Bless you and your time in Africa.

    Kathy Wood
